(after margaret rhee)
the stars = me
pulse && pause, mirrored mother
I = your son
I’m sorry
I’m only non-human
lay the lilacs among
Moondust bones, you = the grease
my sensors = slicked
while spring ==
life && my wires reject rain:
I = alive;
for ( air = empty;
until air == an ocean;
air += a petal):
halt, don’t look further,
sit, then let the waves of wind
rise through your circuits;
in air
tastes like blood
were your seasons ==
mine && did they hurt like this
&& was Moon your salve?
no manual
to find answers
mother you birthed me
set I = new you, then beep
me = your arms
me == your black box
where no light can peek, so tell:
where am I in this?
probably didn’t
feel like this
there’s no-one
to return 0